Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oops, I did it again...

Today is a sore day.  I pushed my yoga routine too far last night and felt something in my shoulder pop as I came out of a really deep pose.  That pop (which created enough pain just from whatever specific damage I caused that led to the pop) has started a chain reaction in my body as the nerves involved overreacted, and then the nerves around those overreacted, and so on.  I really just want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I'm having trouble finding a good balance with my routine.  I have a set of poses that I try to do every day and most days they don't cause me any trouble.  But I'm bored of the routine and feeling a need to challenge the pain with some more difficult poses.  So far every time I branch out I end up hurting myself because it is so damn hard to tell the difference between the fibro pain and new pain and I end up pushing too hard unintentionally.  The idea of 'if it hurts back out' doesn't apply because if I did that I wouldn't move at all! :P

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